As a certified Health Coach, I often discuss genetic disposition with my clients. Our genetics play such a vital role in our overall health and it’s important to understand that in order to make the proper lifestyle and dietary changes. I like to share a saying I had heard that was a game-changer in helping my clients in their wellness journey: “Our genes are the cards we are dealt, but how we choose to play those cards can make all the difference.”

When you better understand your DNA and can get an in-depth look at your health through this lens, you support your individual needs.

We are all so unique and different, so our best nutrition, fitness, supplements, and wellness choices are never found in a one-size-fits-all solution.

SelfDecode is the only company in the world that provides you with a holistic set of accurate health recommendations based on your genes so that you can take charge of your own healthcare with data-driven health decisions.

We must take all of our health data into account in order to make the best health decisions. Otherwise, we end up focusing on specific symptoms without looking at the whole picture. The problem is that there’s too much information to analyze and it’s entirely overwhelming!

SelfDecode uses a technique called genetic imputation. This turns the 750,000 SNPs that their world-class DNA kit analyzes into over 83 million additional variants with an accuracy rate of 99.7%. How amazing is that?

This allows them to analyze over 100x more of individuals’ genomes than other leading DNA testing companies. Based on your results, they figure out which of these variants affect your health and translate this into a genetic risk score that tells you how your genetic risk compares to others. Then, their algorithm predicts the best lifestyle and health recommendations to offset your risk based on your unique genes.

I’m proud to say that I’ve partnered with SelfDecode DNA to test my own DNA so I can make better-informed health and lifestyle decisions. This is the first time I had my DNA tested, so I’m excited to share my results with you.

The SelfDecode reports are accessible and easy to understand for anyone, with an explanation of the science behind genetics and the role they play.

Whether you want to improve your mood and reduce stress, balance your gut, focus on your heart health, or boost your brain and cognitive function, SelfDecode can help.

And it’s not just for individuals! If you’re a health coach, SelfDecode also has great features to implement with your clients. They offer professional plans that give you exclusive discounts on DNA kit orders, white labeling upgrades, customized reports, and unlimited client DNA file uploads! They even offer 1-on-1 consultations to help you get the most out of your client’s results. Learn more here.

I wanted to highlight a few of my results that I found super interesting. Before I dive into my personal findings, here’s a snapshot of the various wellness reports. Some of them include kidney stones, overactive thyroid, underactive thyroid, asthma, headache, brain fog, attention, gut inflammation, bone health, urinary tract infections, etc. It’s extremely comprehensive!

Within each report, you will find your Genetic Risk Summary. The first thing you’ll notice is your overall “score”. A face icon indicates your genetic risk for that particular area. For example, you can see my Genetic Risk Summary for Underactive Thyroid, also known as Hypothyroidism.

I am at average risk of hypothyroidism, which doesn’t surprise me because this runs in my family. However, I am already making an effort to increase the amount of iron and iodine in my diet as well as taking a daily brazil nut for selenium. Since I eat a plant-based diet, I am more conscientious of the amount of iron-rich foods I’m consuming; these include spinach, legumes, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, broccoli, and tofu. Luckily, I happen to love all of these foods!

I was so happy to see that I have a reduced risk of Gut Inflammation because gut health is so essential and impacts other functions in the body. I prioritize gut health, to begin with, and this was just peace of mind seeing that I’m at a reduced risk.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised at the level of detail that the reports showed. It was so helpful to see the recommendations summary of actionable things that you can do to start lowering risk in specific areas of concern. 

If you are curious as to how your genes play a role in various functions in your body and how you can start implementing lifestyle and dietary practices now to keep your risk low for a predisposed condition, I would highly recommend testing your DNA through SelfDecode. If you would like to know more about my experience or chat further about Self Decode, I would be more than happy to help.

Remember, “Our genes are the cards we are dealt, but how we choose to play those cards can make all the difference.” 

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