Who would have thought that 2020 would bring a world-wide pandemic like the Coronavirus?! Brick and motor businesses are closing, schools have been cancelled for the foreseeable future (don’t you wish you were back in school right now?), the majority of the workforce is working from home, while others are wondering when their next paycheck will hit their bank account. Let’s not try to sugar coat this. This is a scary time for most!

BUT! I’m here to tell that you that even though you might be feeling anxious, worried, or stressed, this will pass. For every downswing, there’s an upswing to follow. When that upswing will happen is hard to tell, but it’s coming.

I’ve listened to some experts weigh in on the topic and believe it or not, this is actually a great time to have (or even start) an online business. The growth potential is pretty amazing, especially when the economy starts to pick up again. People are looking for leadership, guidance, and direction. So if you have an online business, listen up friends!

These tips below are going to help you not only protect your business during these uncertain times but prepare you to come out on the other side of this even stronger than you imagined.

Connect with your online community or audience and check-in with them.

During this time of social distancing and isolation, it can become very lonely. Let your community know that you’re thinking about them! You could send them a voice recording or video over email, host an Instagram live, or simply just ask how they’re doing.

Update your documents and get organized

Does anyone else put off organizing documents on their computer? I know I’m guilty of this! Use this time when things are a bit slower to get your business organized. File away those random PDFs that are hanging out on your desktop, clear out your inbox, update any of your material templates, etc. Ok, now I want to go organize…anyone else feeling inspired?

Create workflows and streamline your business

This is a great time to set up workflows to make your life easier. There are so many great tools out there that allow you to set up invoices, client contracts, email follow-ups, and more. Remember, time is money. The more time you can free up by streamlining the process, the more space you have to grow your business.

Update your website

There’s no better time to give your website some TLC. Often times we become so busy with day to day tasks that our websites often get pushed to the back burner. Use this time to re-brand, update offers, packages, opt-ins, etc. In addition, create content that people are searching for! Do you have some killer work from home tips? Are you a wizard at structuring your workday while your kids are at home? Share these on your website. People are looking for all the help they can get right now and this a great way to serve.

Think ahead 90 days

What you are doing today will affect your business 90 days from now. Think about what you can create during the time. Maybe an online course? Or a new coaching package? A membership site? Remember, this low point we’re in isn’t going to last forever, so gear up for how you’re going to hit the ground running once things start looking up again!

Were these tips helpful? I hope so! If you have any questions or need any guidance in where to take your business right now, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always happy to help 🙂

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