How to Handle Sugar Cravings

Does the occasional sugar craving mean you are not disciplined? Of course not. It means you are human! So why on earth do we even crave sugar in the first place? That’s really the question that you should be asking yourself when this urge arises. It could be a number of things:

  • You could feel stressed or anxious
  • It could be a reflection of emotional pain that you are trying to comfort
  • It might be loneliness or a lack of love

Have a piece of fruit.

How to Handle Sugar Cravings

Try satisfying your sweet tooth with some fruit before reaching for a cookie or brownie. Fruit contains fiber, which will help to fill you up and give you energy. I hear too many people who shy away from fruit because they are fearful of the sugar content. Don’t focus too much on this because fruit is a beautifying and cleansing food! Fruit is nature’s candy 🙂

It might not be a physical need.

Ever wonder why most people gravitate towards chocolate when they are depressed? That’s because chocolate is actually a temporary anti-depressant. However, that doesn’t mean that chocolate should be the answer to every emotional issue. You really need to figure out the root of the problem. It’s ok to use dark chocolate as a special treat, but not as self-medication. I mean let’s be real here…sometimes after a long week, you just want to sink your teeth into a decadent chocolate bar. And guess what. Sometimes you just need that! All I’m trying to say is that it is important not to make this a habit that your body becomes dependent on sweets to deal with an emotional issue.

Try doing something active to relieve stress. You could journal, meditate, do yoga, visit a coffee shop, take a boot camp class, go for a walk, etc. Call a friend to enjoy some quality conversation or a fun activity if you’re feeling lonely. You might even try treating yourself to manicure or pedicure for a little self-love! You would be amazed what a little pampering and quality time either by yourself or with a loved one can do for your mood.

Your gut might be trying to tell you something.

When there are too much bad bacteria in your gut, you start to crave sugar to feed that bad bacteria. Therefore it is very important to take a daily probiotic.  It will help to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and give you more energy.

Catch some more Zzzzz’s.

It’s a fact that when you are sleep deprived, you are more likely to crave sugary foods. When you are well rested, you are clear headed, and therefore, able to make smarter choices about what food your body really needs. Try heading to bed 30 minutes earlier (as a start) to help ensure you are getting enough rest.

Should you give in to sweet cravings?

Food is meant to be enjoyed, not feared! It’s perfectly healthy to treat yourself once and awhile. Luckily, I have a list of healthy treat recipes for you that will satisfy your sweet tooth without leaving you feeling sluggish. All of these recipes use natural sweeteners, such a coconut nectar, maple syrup, honey, or Truvia. These are much healthier choices than white or brown sugar. Give these recipes a try the next time your sweet tooth kicks in:

Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Chocolate Avocado Pudding | Living Well With Nic

Vegan Cacao Truffles

Raspberry Chia Seed Pudding

Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Cookies

Chewy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Cookies Recipe | Living Well With Nic

Keep in mind that even though the ingredients in these treats are healthier alternatives to typical desserts, they should still be enjoyed in moderation. It’s important to honor your body, but not overindulge. Everyone experiences strong sugar cravings once and awhile and it is so much healthier to allow yourself the freedom to enjoy a sweet treat rather than obsess over the fact that you can’t have it. Remember, food is meant to be enjoyed!

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