You’ve probably heard of hemp seeds, right? Those little seeds you can sprinkle on your salad or add to baked goods? Hemp Extract comes from the same Cannabis sativa plant, but has completely different benefits than hemp seeds. Hemp was cultivated for foods, oils and textiles, while marijuana was grown for its psychoactive properties and used for medical purposes.

CBD oil contains cannabinoids, which are the naturally occurring chemicals within the hemp plant that are anti-inflammatory. CBD oil is also known as hemp extract. Now, just to set the record straight, CBD oil does NOT get you high. Research has shown that cannabinoids like CBD can help achieve and support a stable balance in our bodies, also known as homeostasis. CBD is currently used in a wide range of clinical scenarios including cancer, multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, traumatic brain injuries, insomnia, anxiety, and PTSD.


  1. Pain and Inflammation

There are some studies that show improved markers for pain and inflammation with the use of topical hemp oil. However, most of the current data studying the benefits of cannabinoids for pain show the combination of CBD with THC to be the most effective for pain.

  1. Anxiety

CBD oil has been shown to decrease activity in the limbic part of the human brain, which is responsible for our “fight-or-flight” response. A study in 2011 found that CBD oil significantly reduced anxiety and cognitive impairment compared to placebo.

  1. Sleep

Joseph Maroon, M.D., a clinical professor and neurosurgeon at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who has researched the effect of cannabis on the brain, says that CBD has properties that could help some people sleep better. He says it appears to ease anxiety and pain, both of which can make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep.

Some other research hints that CBD may also affect sleep directly, by interacting with receptors in the brain that govern the body’s daily sleep/wake cycles.

  1. Alzheimer’s Disease

A small study on mice in 2014 showed that CBD oil prevented the development of social recognition deficit, which is a common occurrence in Alzheimer’s disease. But more research is needed to validate these findings in humans!

CBD is also a potent antioxidant, which means it protects your body from free radical damage, and is thought to exhibit anti-depressant, anti-nausea, gut-protective, and immune-system-balancing effects. But again, more research needs to be done in all these areas.


Remember that everyone is different. Each person has a different genetic and biochemical makeup. This means people will respond to different doses of CBD, so you will have to test to see which doses are best for you. It’s recommended to start at a lower dose of hemp oil and increase slowly to achieve the desired effect. Remember that if you choose an oral product, it can take 30 to 90 minutes to notice any benefit.

Take a few small doses over the course of a day. Spacing out your doses—rather than one large dose once a day—can help you maintain adequate blood levels. More is not necessarily better. Sometimes smaller doses can have a more substantial effect than larger doses. Remember that you are genetically and biochemically distinct from everyone else and need to discover the best dosage for you. You should check with your healthcare provider before taking CBD or any other supplements. This is especially relevant if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking other medications. At higher levels, CBD has been shown to interact with common medications. Use promo code NRNICOLE for Free Shipping on your order at

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