Is your offer falling flat and not bringing in the clients as you hoped? You put all this hard work into creating what you thought was an incredible offer, but no one is signing up, no one is messaging you, and no one is opening their wallet to work with you. Let me help you troubleshoot! Here are five reasons why your health coaching offer isn’t selling.

Your customer…

1. Hasn’t seen it enough

We need to see something on average 7 times before buying. This means you need to keep sharing your offer! The more people see it and hear you talk about it, the more they feel that it’s a good investment.

2. Doesn’t feel anything

90% of purchasing decisions are based on emotional factors. Are you speaking to your ideal client’s emotions or just talking about the tangible pieces of your offer? Instead of talking about the number of calls or modules that are included in your program, talk about how this program will change your ideal client’s life. Remember, human beings crave connection. The more you can help someone feel connected to what you’re selling, the more they will see the upside to the investment.

3. Doesn’t see the value

A confused mind doesn’t buy. If your ideal client is confused about your offer and can’t understand what the real benefits are, they won’t buy it. Plain and simple. You need to clearly spell out the benefits for them. Don’t overcomplicate your offer. Simply speak to the problem that you solve and how you solve them. The goal is to get your ideal client to picture themselves after experiencing this transformation.

4. Doesn’t trust you yet

We buy from people we know, like, and TRUST to deliver. If you haven’t built up any trust with your audience yet, you can’t expect people to buy from you. People are trading their hard-earned money for something in return and they want to be sure that your offer is going to deliver. So how do you gain your ideal client’s trust? Show up on social media and give value! Give little wins, teach on a topic for free, and showcase your expertise. Gaining trust takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it.

5. Doesn’t know what to do

We’re easily discouraged from buying by a complicated process. Is your buying process simple? Your buying process should be no longer than a couple of steps. This experience is the very first experience your client has had with you. It’s important that you start off your relationship on the right foot!

Selling on social media takes some practice and to be honest, there’s a bit of science to it. I created a 60-min Selling on Social Masterclass that walks

  • Create content that stands out and helps you sell, specifically on social media (which is very different from just “good” content)
  • Build a brand where people can instantly *get* you and your energy, so they trust you, love you, and are excited to buy from you
  • Sell anything you want—especially your highest-priced offers—with ease. (No matter how small your audience is.)
  • Sell without selling (aka feeling gross and salesy)
  • My top strategies for driving 6-figures via social media…without having to obsess about the algorithm

If you want to go deeper 1:1, I invite you to join my Business Breakthrough Coaching Program. Imagine what would happen if we worked together and dove deep into your business and created the results you desire.

For more information, please reach out to me by sending me an email at


5 Reasons Why Your Offer Isn’t Selling:

  1. Hasn’t seen it enough
  2. Doesn’t feel anything
  3. Doesn’t see the value
  4. Doesn’t trust you yet
  5. Doesn’t know what you do


Join my 4-week Intensive Coaching to come up with a plan of action to create your program, sign more clients & generate more revenue

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