5 Signs That You Need a Detox

Our bodies are much smarter than we sometimes give them credit. When you begin to understand that the food you eat, your sleep habits, exercise routine and how you cope with stress affect your entire being, then it really becomes quite simple to figure out the root cause of most health issues. It is my firm belief that you should strive to incorporate long-term healthy lifestyle changes into your life to promote continuous cleansing, rather than a short-term detox. When you allow toxins to build up inside your body, this is a tell-tale sign that you are in need of a detox. Your body will give you signs when it is time to hit the reset button. These signs come in all forms, so pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Here are five signs that you need a detox:

  1. Lack of energy

If you are finding yourself hitting the snooze button multiple times every morning, hitting a wall at 3 pm, or just feeling lethargic in general, your body may be trying to send you a message. Tiredness is a sign that your body is carrying extra weight that results in poor digestion of food. Try eating smaller portions to give your body a chance to digest the food properly.

  1. Skin Issues

Skin is the window to the inside of your body. In fact, it is your largest organ! When something is not right, your skin will let you know. This could in the form of breakouts, dry patches, rosacea, excessive oil production, uneven skin tone, etc. Detoxing in the easiest way to achieve glowing, clear, and radiant skin.Start by cutting back on your coffee intake and instead, begin your morning with a glass of hot lemon water.

5 Signs That You Need a Detox | Living Well With Nic

  1. Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Everyone experiences the pressure of the constant daily demands, however, if you are feeling like this stress is consuming your life, you might want to think twice about what is causing it. Your body is trying to give you a sign that you need to slow down and take time for yourself. Yoga is a wonderful practice to take up when you begin to feel stressed out.

  1. Bloating

Gut health is everything. When our gut is not working properly, everything becomes out of whack. Bloating can be caused from not chewing your food properly or pairing the wrong foods together. If you can’t seem to de-bloat, it is time for a detox. When toxins build up in the body, this often results in weight gain. This is the perfect time to cleanse your liver by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Take it a step further and incorporate more smoothies and vegetable soups into your diet. These are especially easy on your digestive system. Try to avoid complex carbs, such as bread, during this time and stick to fruit, vegetables until you feel like the bloating has gone away.

5 Signs That You Need a Detox

  1. Trouble Sleeping

Restful sleep is an important part of a healthy routine. When something in your body is out of whack, assess your sleep patterns. If you have a hard time falling asleep, this is a sign that your liver is being over-worked. Try adding more broccoli and cauliflower into your diet. One of my favorite ways to sneak more cauliflower into my diet is to add frozen cauliflower (already steamed) into my smoothies. It makes the smoothie thicker without adding any funky vegetable flavor!

Action Steps:

  1. Ask yourself if you are currently experiencing any of these signs
  2. If you feel your body needs a detox, try tackling one problem at a time.
  3. Take a mental note of how you feel after you detox.
  4. Try incorporating small habits, such a hot lemon water or yoga, that can aid in continuous detoxing.
  5. Share your findings with a friend!

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