Do you ever wonder how certain people make “being healthy” look so easy? No, they don’t have any special hidden talents; they simply make their health and well-being a priority. After some reflection, I’ve gathered a list of the top habits that healthy people follow on a daily basis. I invite you to try working these into your own life.

5 Daily Habits of Healthy People | Living Well With Nic

1. Physical Activity

With all of today’s modern conveniences, physical activity seems to be something we feel like we have to check off our to-do list. Exercise should be an enjoyable daily activity. Whether that be a yoga class, weight training, spin class, a power walk or a body weight workout, aim to break a sweat for 30 minutes a day. Exercise is not only good for your heart and weight management but also an excellent stress reliever and mood booster. Just observe how you feel after you complete a workout; that amazing feeling is the rush of endorphins that your body is experiencing.

2. Meditation

5 Daily Habits of Healthy People

Meditation is one of the most ancient wellness practices used to calm your mind and bring a sense of peace to your life. Do you ever feel like your mind is going a thousand miles per minute and you have no way of controlling it? Or you constantly worry and stress about things you have no control over? These are signs that you could use a little meditation in your life.  It has been proven that practicing meditation on a regular basis will alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety, strengthen your immune system, and slow the aging process. In addition, meditation is calming, revitalizing, and improves concentration. The best part about meditation is there is no right or wrong way to go about it! It’s really a personal practice. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Start meditating for 5 minutes every day, preferably at the same time each day.
  • Create a comfortable and relaxing environment. Try lighting a candle, dim the lights, and sit in a comfortable position.
  • Turn off all electronics to prevent any distractions.

If the thought of starting your own meditation practice makes you nervous, you’re not alone! That’s why there are numerous guided meditation tools out there to support your practice. I personally love Deepak Chopra and Kimberly Snyder!

3. Detox from Electronics

This might be the most important one on this list, in my opinion. I think we all can agree that electronics have become such an integral part of our lives. I mean, how else would I be able to share this information with you? However, you know the saying, “too much of a good thing can be bad for you”? This directly applies to the use of electronics. When we find ourselves checking our phone hundreds of times per day (yes, that’s a fact for some people) and scrolling mindlessly through social media, it is important to take a step back and ask ourselves how these constant updates are truly benefiting our lives. As a health coach and wellness blogger, the internet and social media are my lifeblood. It’s important to get in the habit of setting aside at least one hour every day where you allow yourselves to be present with your own thoughts. Give it a try! When you come home from work, put your phone in another room, so you are not tempted to constantly check it. Use this time to settle your mind, connect with your spouse, or cook dinner uninterrupted. If you’re really up for the challenge, try turning your phone off while you’re on vacation. This is especially powerful when you are in a new setting. It helps you fully take in your surroundings and appreciate the natural beauty around you.

4. Hydration

Staying hydrated is the golden rule of health; our bodies need water to survive. In fact, our brains are made up of 90% water! I don’t believe in following any strict rules about drinking X number of glasses of water a day, but some suggest 8 (8oz) glasses every day. It’s important to listen to your own body’s needs though. If you are an athlete, you might need more than this. Here are the top benefits of drinking water:

  • Promotes Weight Loss

Staying hydrated eliminates bloat, helps suppress your appetite in between meals and helps your body burn more calories through-out of the day.

  • Increases Energy & Mental Clarity

Keeping your cells hydrated leads to an increase in energy and mental clarity. When your brain is dehydrated, it is not functioning at its best, which leads to fatigue

  • Glowing Skin

Hydrated skin means supple, glowing skin. Your skin is your largest organ and needs water to function optimally. According to Dr. Richard Besser, the chief health and medical editor at ABC News, when you are dehydrated your blood gets thick and water-deficient from organs pulling water from it. When your skin is hydrated it is more resilient and elastic, making you less prone to wrinkles.

5. Good Night’s Sleep

Ahhhh, sleep. The precious time that we all love, but never seem to get enough of. Sleep is in fact just as important as a healthy diet and exercise. Those 6-9 hours a night are vital for rejuvenating our body, repairing our cells, and recharging your brain. That’s why after you’ve had a great night’s sleep, you wake up feeling completely refreshed and ready to take on the world!

5 Daily Habits of Healthy People | Living Well With Nic

Try incorporating these tips into your nightly ritual to get a good night’s sleep:

  • Turn off all electronics an hour prior to sleeping. This helps calm your mind and eliminate any stimulation that causes your brain to “stay awake” even when your body is ready for rest.
  • Set the temperature in your bedroom cooler, preferably between 60-67 degrees. When you fall asleep, your body naturally cools down. By helping your body reach that cool temperature, it encourages a deeper slumber.
  • Create a pre-bedtime ritual. This could include anything from meditation, reading a book, journaling, or taking a bath.
  • If you are having a hard time falling asleep because you have too much on your mind, grab a notepad and jot down your thoughts. The action of writing them down will help your mind relax.

Try to work these 5 simple habits into your daily life. I promise that if you are consistent, you will notice a difference in your overall health and wellbeing. Remember, making small changes is all it takes to create significant changes in your life.

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